Heavenly bank account

How many people are afraid to go and withdrawal when they have received an alert? Thinking maybe the money is not there, the answer is no. Once you have received a monetary alert you are confident that the money is in your account .
As new creations in Christ we have an heavenly account where the Father has sent so many blessings to (in his word) and by our faith and with the help of the Holy Spirit we have unlimited withdrawals available to us and there is no expiring date for our Arm.
How often   do you withdrawal from your account?  Or you have never even withdrawal before? Well it's easy,  just ask for the help of the Holy Spirit. If you have not surrendered to the lordship of christ, you can't make withdrawals,  simply confess Romans 10:8-10 and be guided by his spirit also find a good church to attend around you, welcome to the family of God *smile*.


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