Are you really Her Mr?

                  Are you really Her Mr?

Whether you are single or married, I have a question for all guys in the house!

Are you really her Mr?
Are you really the man?
What are the responsibilities of a man?
Is he a priest?

The man must be able to stand in that priestly position of talking to God on behalf of his bae!

Can he dare to stand before God?
Does he read his Bible?

If he doesn't read the Bible, how will he go boldly to the throne of grace to obtain mercy and find grace in the time of need?

Does he know how to pray?

If he doesn't know how to pray, what will happen in the days that trouble rears its head and ominous sings line up the sky?

Can he speak in tongues?

If he doesn't know how to speak in tongues, how will he combat the mysterious happenstances of this world with divine mysteries?

How will he build the home of his life, that of his wife and that of his children?
How will he know the mind of God?
How will he know which career path that will yield the maximum profit?

How will he fulfill destiny if he doesn't know the heavenly protocols of penetrating the heavenlies for his blessings?

What will he do when sickness shows up that paracetamol cannot handle but only anointing can take care of?

Is he a God chaser?
If he is not faithful in chasing God, he will be chasing babes all over the place.

Does he know how to manage money?

Can he be productive financially or he is just piling up debts, romancing green bottles and completely clueless about who a man should be?

Is he a tither? For only then will he open the flood gates of heavens over his home where he is the head.

Does he know that his decisions will not only affect him only but will affect and alter destinies of wife and children?

Can he forgive? Can he forget? For relationships and marriages are riddled with mistakes, hurts and wounds!

And yes, it is often the person that loves you most that hurt you the most!

Isn't it interesting?

Who is the Mr?

Before you sign the dotted lines, before you catwalk down the aisle, before you settle in his bed and become one with him, before you mingle in the sheets and before your destiny is wedged and cemented with his, is he the man?

You don't want to roll in the sheets with the wrong man! You don't want to spend weekends washing clothes and cooking when you are not married. It is a waste of time!

Well, I am in love!

Okay, love often travels after marriage and only commitment is left.

Don't follow love alone, follow his commitment to God, his love for God, his passion for his creator, his words and utterances, his life of giving, his hardwork and tenacity, his tender heart, yet so strong a body…

It is not just the flesh, it is the flesh and the bones...

Look beyond the butterflies in your tummy, check for the peace of God.

They are both within, but one is deeper, one is real and the other can be fickle.

To the men, I write by the Spirit of God, are you really the man?

Dare to be a man!

A man waits.
A man rapes not!
A man protects.
A man shields.
A man provides.

Where are the men?

To the ladies , I pen with with ink of the Spirit, writing on the slates of your heart,

Is he the man?

You will live with your decision.

Your pastor and parents won't be there!

To the married, I submit, God can restore. He can change. He can heal. He can remake. He can rewrite.
Your story can start again in Him. Look unto Him. Be strong. Do not give up, do not back out on Him and do not compromise.

God has an eraser, that can erase your mistakes.

To the pastors, your role is dual.

Separate your roles and be wise.

Do not wear collar at home and do not wear boxers in church. Leave church members alone, focus on your spouse. Date your wife, not the sheep. Stop winking at the bride of Christ, for you may be dancing where angels fear to tread. A word is enough for the wise.

I will stop here this morning! Be blessed!

I will raise the standard. I am empowered to please God.

I am focused on the things of God. i am not confused.

I will seek to understand my fiancé/fiancee/spouse's love language.

Lord, show me the man/make me the man

Genesis 1:27 (KJV)
 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. [truncated  by WhatsApp]


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