#God'sDaughter... What Happened on Your wedding Day

What Happened on Your wedding Day
If you don't understand salvation you won't have a good understanding of What happened on your wedding day
1.You confess that Jesus is lord and you came into the kingdom of God...you confess and said I do..you came into his Kingdom
2.Your name changed when you came into Christ now you are a Christian...You name also changed from the wedding day you now bear his name
3.The spirit of the lord rest on your husband your king immediately you are joined by a priest... Its is the same anointing that came on Saul and David to judge when Samuel anointed them to be Kings
4..he's no longer just a friend now he's your lord...Jesus is also a friend to sinners ...but the lordship we embrace created our difference
5..You must honour Your lord God ordained him one....with the words of your mouth
6. Christ is your lord cos you gave your life to him...He's now your lord cos you gave your life to him...Jesus kind of lord is love... He must be the same to you
7.Your place is next to Him...as the Queen to help him Rule and reign over the kingdom..place of Purpose..Your work is also to make sure another king succeed him..the throne must not be empty...just like Beersheba ....make sure Solomon succeed him.
#God'sSon...Before you give her the crown....before you marry her....consider this things
1.Do you think she love your success....Abigail love the success of David...he came back for her.
2.Are you friends enough....God didn't cut a covenant with Abraham until they became close friends
3. How does she respond to the things in your heart...the things the Holy spirit put in your heart...Rebecca did more than what Abraham's servant ask for...
4.What about the passion to pleasure you...do you think her wisdom fits your home....Ruth worked in the Field of Boaz with Pleasure...
...to be continued..
Muyiwa Adigun
+234 08034985723
Need insight on relationship, courthship and Marriage? Then Muyiwa Adigun is a person you want to listern to because he has heard from God and shares with the world. Follow @Muyiwa Adigun Show on facebook and instagram.