My life as a christain lady

As ladies in christ just like me, we juggle through so many things like; how can I be better? what defines me? how do I attract the right man? am I achieving anything? need people to see that am not a baby anymore, want to be as confident like that other lady and so on. Did I speak your mind? well I certainly spoke for some people. However, in the past couple of days I have learnt to be more consistent in the things I do because I am accountable for my success. Also, God has not given me the spirit of fear but of peace, love, and a sound mind meaning I have the ability to love what I do, have peace while doing it, be void of fear of the unknown, as well as be in the write frame of mind.
God thoughts to you daily is good, you are not excused to think bad of yourself when God Himself has not. God showed me in his word this morning that knowledge comes from him, by reverencing him for who he is, having a daily walk with him and he would show you what his thoughts concerning your life are daily.
What am I trying to say today is that you dont have to do all those things alone, cast it all on Jesus because he is able to bear it all and gives you things you can handle par-time. What a wounderful and great oppurtunity and priviledge. God picks one aspect of your life and deals with it until you become great and confident in that area.
Walk with Him and he would see you through, the road is rough and there are many dangers but stick with him and he would see you through.
Thank you for reading today don't forget to comment,