Life of a prosperous man
Gal 3:9,psalm 1:1-6, 1 cor15:33
Man in Christ is not disadvantaged
Your walk speaks of your conduct, behaviour
Your standing speaks of your conviction
Your seat speaks of your company
Your companion gives expression to the blessing you carry.
There is a direct link btw your meditation from your prosperity. Joshua 1:8
Prosperity is in doing the needful thing
Meditation opens your inner being to God to allow him direct you. Prov 4:20.
Your environment respond to your faith
You must take and possess the word.
Whatsoever you do, do it from conviction.
2 cori 5:7,
The most important thing is my relationship with God.
Prosperity is not what you struggle to get but what comes out from within you.
It is a result of an action