In the early church there seems to have been an abundance of dangerous men whose name figured prominently on the devil's blacklist. *Stephen* was one of them.

😄.. I must admit that I feel that Stephen's story is one of the most exhilarating that I have ever read anywhere. No tale of fiction can match this story for action and colour. I have yet to find a story that has greater suspense and which records more manly courage than this one.

🤔💬.. But I think the main reason that I like it so much is the challenge it brings to my own heart. Let us spend a few moments learning from Stephen in Acts 6:1-15.

👨🏻‍✈.. Stephen was so dangerous that the devil had him put away as soon as he got into his stride. It is important to note that Stephen was not an apostle. His ministry was not specifically preaching and praying.

🧑🏻.. Stephen was appointed by the early church to be a Christian businessman. (Personally I think that he ought to be patron saint of CBMC!) It was like this:

... There was a certain amount of welfare work to be done in the early church. People began to complain that they were being overlooked, and that they were not getting their share while others seemed to be getting preferential treatment. Evidently the apostles had more work than they could handle, and so they decided to appoint some men who could handle, and so they decided to appoint some men who could look after the business affairs of the church while they concentrated on the spiritual matters. Stephen was the first man appointed under this scheme.

🤔.. I feel that there are important issues involved in this turn of events. No doubt you will agree with me that we, the body of Christ, are not making a very great success of *evangelizing the world* 🌍.


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