Take out time to rest!!

The importance of rest can not be over emphasized, it is so vital to our lives that God gave us night. Even God rested on the seventh day, which goes to show that rest is a much needed thing. I was speaking to a colleague yesterday and he said something that caught my attention, he said " If you do not rest, you would be put to rest!"
You can identify if you are an over worker, or know a friend that is a workaholic. The most common quality they possess is lack of rest, they are always involved in one activity or the other. they are always presented with the lack of choice, but you do have a choice, you are replaceable.
you are too important and so many lives depends on you for you to burn yourself out. God cannot use a dead vessel, he needs you alive!! Your body needs the rest for the next task. As much as possible I urge you to rest, take out time alone or with a loved one and you will bounce back refreshed.
God loves you so much, his thoughts are of good and not of evil to give you an expected end. He wants the best for you and thats include that you rest. Stop feeling guilty that you are taking time out and you feel like you are not being useful. the more you take out time to rest the more productive you can become. Do have a great weekend.