Trusting God when it doesn't make sense

Good day, hope your day was lovely. today I would be talking on trusting God when it doesn't make sense. there are times in our lives when it seems that we are falling or about to reach rock bottom. I mean rocky rock bottom.

To that 30-year-old unmarried lady, to that graduate seeking for a job to feed his pregnant wife, to that widow who is about to prepare her last meal, to that wife trusting God for a child after 10 years, God is saying trust me! In these circumstances, it may look like the walls are caving in and there is no light at the end of the tunnel.

we have to learn to trust God because we have the assurance that his thoughts towards us are of good and not of evil to give us an expected end. God would never give you more than you can handle. He would surely be glorified in your life.

 Therefore, I charge you not to look at your situation but unto the ONE that has conquered that situation for you.

Trust God because he has said in his word


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