How do I treat my woman right?

It is common knowledge that women are the ones that mostly attend relationship seminars. Where are the men you ask? Don't they crave knowledge on how to treat ladies right and better? Well they do, it's just that they have been made to be more quiet about their feelings and desires.  Recently, I found out the reason why God makes you go through some unpleasant situations or relationships, is that you would have the courage to help someone else in such a situation.

I had recently gotten weary of a relationship and just called it quits, why you ask? Well, it felt like I was falling with no one to catch me, drowning with no one to save me. It was like I existed one minute and the next minute I didn't seem to. I am sure you understand what I am talking about. Yes you guessed right, dating a workaholic. It is draining both physically and mentally. Birthdays are not remembered, dinner dates are cancelled at the last minute, expensive gifts are presented to appease you for the moment. You are not requesting for 24 hours just a little time or a sign that they are thinking about you. If only wishes were horses. 

It is surprising to note that these set of men don't just know that they are doing something wrong. They practically have no idea!!! It's like they are blind to your feelings and how you crave for their attention. A friend of mine came to me frustrated that the lady he loves is about to slip off his fingers and he doesn't know what to do. I further investigated and noticed that he had practically been starving this lady of attention. Every lady loves attention and to not give it is asking for trouble trust me. The final straw was when he made a graphics for her birthday and posted it on his status or her to see. We got talking around 11:30 am and I asked if he had called her and he said no, stating that he thought she would prefer the Whatsapp post to a call. To say i was dumbfounded is an understatement. I can just imagine the expression on your face, yeah I had the same too.

This got me thinking that men do really need to also be trained on how to treat women. We hear a lot of how ladies should do this and do that, how about we let the men join in on the fun too. 


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