What to do when Faced with Life Crossroads

Good day to my lovely readers. It’s been a glorious year and we are forever grateful to God. This year has taught me a lot, I have experienced the good, bad and ugly but God has been faithful in all. We wonder to God saying who is man that you are mindful of? But we are blessed to be called his children. Presently am at crossroads and everyone experiences this at one point or another in their lives. What should I do? Should I go right or left? Am I making the right choice of a life partner, career or course of study?
Talking to a close friend of mine yesterday, he talked at length the place of prayer and seeking God at life crossroads. God is interested in every area of our lives; his thoughts are of good and not of evil to give us an expected end. This goes to show us that God’s plan for you is prosperity, anything short of that is not of God.

Isaiah 49:15 King James Version (KJV)

15 Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee.
Have you ever been promised by men and they failed you? And sure the answer is a capital ‘YES’. The human nature is faulty already, but thank God we have an everlasting father who fails not. He has promised that though we are failed he would never fail us. He is our surest guarantor.
We need to learn how to pray and work. Yes work! God said he would bless the works of your hands. When praying to God for a breakthrough or solution to a pressing issue, know that God would always answer but you have to be open to revealed opportunities that would aid you in solving that problem.
Take for example you want to get married and you begin to seek God’s face. Know for sure that God would grant your heart desire.
Genesis 2:18 King James Version (KJV)
18 And the Lord God said, it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a help meet for him.
This is therefore not the case of does God want me to get married? He said it so himself that he wants you to! However there are things you need to put in place. You don’t have a job and you want to get marred! Even God made sure Adam had work before he brought Eve to help out. Let’s look at you praying to travel out of the country but you don’t have a passport. So, let’s learn to work with God. Pray like you have never worked and work like you have never pray. God is faithful.

What is that crossroad you are currently facing? take it to God in prayer. Hope to hear from you. Thank you and stay blessed


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