Is he/she the one or we should wait for another?

One of the major aspects of a person’s life is relationship. Relationships occur in different ways; it could be a family relationship, relationships with peer groups, relationships with co-workers, relationships with the opposite sex.

From the very beginning God had identified the need for man to be in a relationship. He made it clear that it is not good for man to be alone. Genesis 2:18 “And the Lord God said, it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.” God had previously brought various species to him to see what he would call them. This goes to show that not everyone that comes into your life is the ONE.

Have you named the ONE an animal and named an animal the ONE? God’s thought and plan for you is great but he would not impose his decision on you, that’s why he gave you the gift of choice. God brought different species to Adam and he kept saying no, your refusal to marry that lady/guy God has brought to you doesn’t mean there is not someone out there for the person. Finally God had to put Adam to sleep, to put his trust solely on God and he brought yet another specie to him. This time Adam said “ This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called woman, because she was taken out of man”.  Adam had finally gotten what he needed and gave her his name wo”man”.

listening to Pastor Sam Adewuyi of Kingdom Life International Church (KLIC), I learnt that you don’t only marry who you are attracted to, most importantly you have to marry who you are compatible with. Compatibility involves agreeing on some major issues, having the same value system.
Compatibility – Attraction = friendship
Attraction- Compatibility = Lust
Attraction + Compatibility = Relationship

Relationship founded based on attractions alone is only superficial and does not have any depth, anything can occur and the beauty so much appreciated can fade away. However a relationship combined with compatibility has roots and both parties can relate well with each other so much that they know what makes up the other person.

When Adam addressed Eve as the Bone of his Bones and Flesh of his Flesh, what did he mean? Adam was simply saying that physically there was an attraction; his body was moved towards her, there was a jubilation of butterflies. Also, inwardly they were similar. They had the same structure, same values. There was a strong build that held the whole outer package together.

Most of the time we tend to be untruthful to ourselves. If you can sit down, face that mirror, with probably a chilled drink and have a sincere discussion with yourself you would probably find out that the relationship that you are trying so much to nurse is not the right one. You may not be compatible based on spiritual matters, food which is very important in this side of the world. Intellectually are you compatible? Do you have to explain your jokes to that person? Do you see life from similar point of view or you are as different as ice and fire. Ice would eventually quench the fire in the other person.

Let God lead and guide you, as much as attraction is important know that on the long run you will need more than that when the storm of life comes. So today I want you to ask yourself “ Is He/She the right one or I should wait for another?”


Unknown said…
Great write up

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